class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # STAT3622 Data Visualization (Lecture 5) ## Animated Graphics ###
Dr. Aijun Zhang
The University of Hong Kong ### 10 March 2020 --- # What's covered in this lecture? <img style="float: right; width: 400px; padding:0 50px 0 0;" src="HKPopPyramid.gif"> - Image Processing with R:magick - Animated Graphics - Examples of math animations - Hans Rosling Bubbles --- class: center, middle # 1. Image Processing with R:magick --- # ImageMagick <a href=""><img style="float: left; width: 360px; padding:0 50px 0 0;" src="wizard.jpg"></a> - Support almost all image formats (PNG, JPG, GIF, TIFF, SVG, PDF, ...) - Perhaps the most comprehensive open-source image processing library available today - Overwhelming amount of functions: convert, resize, flip, mirror, rotate, distort, transform image, adjust color, draw text, draw shapes, special effects, ... - R:magick package based on Magick++ STL (Standard Template Library) algorithms - This lecture note is partly based on R:vignette [The magick package: Advanced Image-Processing in R]( --- # R:magick Image IO, Convert and Display ```r library(magick) frink <- image_read("") image_write(frink, path = "frink.gif", format = "gif") knitr::include_graphics("frink.gif") #in Rstudio: print(frink) ``` <img src="frink.gif" width="200px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # R:magick with Pipes for Image Processing ```r tmp = image_read("") %>% image_rotate(270) %>% image_resize("400") %>% image_background("lightblue", flatten = TRUE) %>% image_border("darkgreen", "20x20") %>% image_annotate("HKU STAT3622", color = "red", location = "+25+25", size = 20) image_write(tmp, path = "frink1.png", format = "png") knitr::include_graphics("frink1.png") ``` <img src="frink1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- class: center, middle # 2. Animated Graphics <br > ## Examples of Math Animations --- # Animated Graphics 1: Running Clock ```r img <- image_graph(400, 400, res = 72) for (i in seq(pi/2, -4/3*pi, length = 12)) { par(mar=c(3,3,3,3)) plot(0, 0, pch = 20, ann = FALSE, axes = FALSE); box() text(0, 0.1, 'STAT3622'); text(0, -0.1, 'The University of Hong Kong') arrows(0, 0, cos(i), sin(i)) # Rotate every 30 degree axis(1, 0, "VI"); axis(2, 0, "IX"); axis(3, 0, "XII"); axis(4, 0, "III") } dummy = img %>% image_trim() %>% image_animate(fps = 1) %>% image_write("Clock.gif") ``` <img src="Clock.gif" width="280px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Animated Graphics 2: Beating Heart Mathematical "heart curves" at [Wolfram MathWorld]( Here is a new heart formula that can be made animating with varying parameter: $$ \frac{1}{2}|xy| - \frac{3a}{4}x^2 - \frac{4a}{7}y^2 - ay \geq 0, ~~ a\in[0.9, 1.3] $$ ```r img <- image_graph(300, 300, res = 36) n = 300 X = matrix(rep(seq(-1.4, 1.4, length=n), n), nrow=n, byrow=F) Y = matrix(rep(seq(0.1, -2.5, length=n), n), nrow=n, byrow=T) for (a in seq(0.9, 1.3, length = 2)) { Z = abs(X*Y)/2 - 3*a*X^2/4 - 4*a*Y^2/7 - a*Y Z[Z<=0] = NA par(mar = c(1,1,1,1)) image(Z, col=2, ann = FALSE) } dummy = img %>% image_trim() %>% image_animate(fps = 1) %>% image_write("Heart.gif") ``` --- # Animated Graphics 2: Beating Heart <img src="Heart.gif" width="320px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> >"With four parameters I can fit an elephant, and with five I can make him wiggle his trunk." (John von Neumann) --- # Animated Graphics 3: Random Walk Simulation ```r img <- image_graph(400, 300, res = 72) # ------------------------- # dX = mu*dt + sigma*dWt # dWt~ N(0,dt) # ------------------------- X0 = 0; mu = -0.1; sigma = 3; dt = 1; N = 30; m = 10 set.seed(201810) X = matrix(NA, N+1, m) for (k in 1:m) { dW = rnorm(N, 0, sqrt(dt)) dX = mu*rep(dt, N) + sigma*dW X[,k] = cumsum(c(X0, dX)) } t = c(0,seq(1,N)) for (i in 1:N){ par(mar = c(2,2,2,2)) matplot(0:i*dt, X[1:(i+1),], type='l', lty=1, col=rainbow(m), xlim = c(0, dt*N), ylim = c(min(X), max(X))) } dummy = img %>% image_trim() %>% image_animate(fps = 2) %>% image_write("RandomWalk.gif") ``` --- # Animated Graphics 3: Random Walk Simulation .pull-left[ Random wark simulation: <img src="RandomWalk.gif" width="350px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-right[ Changing the simulation paparameters: <img src="RandomWalk2.gif" width="350px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> Can you tell what parameters were changed? <!-- X0 = 0; mu = 2; sigma = 6; dt = 0.2; N = 150; m = 50 --> <!-- img %>% image_trim() %>% image_animate(fps = 10) %>% image_write("RandomWalk2.gif") --> ] --- class: center, middle # 3. Hans Rosling Bubbles <br > ## For memory of Hans Rosling --- # Hans Rosling's TED Talk <img src="HansRoslingTED.jpg" width="50%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> - Hans Rosling at TED2006: [The best stats you've ever seen]( [More than 12MM views] - Watch also [YouTube video]( [More than 2MM views] --- # Hans Rosling (1948 - 2017) <img style="float: left; width: 300px; padding:0 50px 0 0;" src="HansRosling.jpg"> - A swidish professor of international health, a popular public speaker on DataViz for exploring dvelopment issues. - Co-founded the [Gapminder]( and developed the DataViz software "Trendalyzer" (acquired by Google in 2007) - Gapminder is best known for its bubble interactive charts; see also the [PublicData]( by Google - Hans Rosling was elected the TIME's Top 100 most influential people in 2012, and won the UN Population Award in 2017 - Died at age 68; read the [memorial by Bill Gates]( - This lecture is also for memory of Hans Rosling,as he inspired us in many ways ... --- # Gapminder Dataset - A small demonstration data sampled every five years ```r library(gapminder) summary(gapminder) ``` ``` ## country continent year lifeExp pop gdpPercap ## Afghanistan: 12 Africa :624 Min. :1952 Min. :23.60 Min. :6.001e+04 Min. : 241.2 ## Albania : 12 Americas:300 1st Qu.:1966 1st Qu.:48.20 1st Qu.:2.794e+06 1st Qu.: 1202.1 ## Algeria : 12 Asia :396 Median :1980 Median :60.71 Median :7.024e+06 Median : 3531.8 ## Angola : 12 Europe :360 Mean :1980 Mean :59.47 Mean :2.960e+07 Mean : 7215.3 ## Argentina : 12 Oceania : 24 3rd Qu.:1993 3rd Qu.:70.85 3rd Qu.:1.959e+07 3rd Qu.: 9325.5 ## Australia : 12 Max. :2007 Max. :82.60 Max. :1.319e+09 Max. :113523.1 ## (Other) :1632 ``` - See more complete data in [Gapminder Data](,[UN Data]( and [World Bank Open Data]( --- # Animated Graphics: Hans Rosling Bubbles R:gamminder data on life expectancy, GDP per capita, and population by country ```r library(ggplot2) library(gapminder) Years = unique(gapminder$year) Colmap = adjustcolor(c(3,2,4,5,6), alpha.f=0.6) Idx = which(gapminder$country == "China") Img <- image_graph(500, 500, res = 72) for (k in 1:length(Years)){ TmpX = gapminder[gapminder$year==Years[k], ] Size = 1+9*(TmpX$pop-min(gapminder$pop))/diff(range(gapminder$pop)) plot(TmpX$gdpPercap, TmpX$lifeExp, log="x", xlim=range(gapminder$gdpPercap), xlab="GDP per capita", ylim=range(gapminder$lifeExp), ylab="Life Expectency", pch = 19, cex = Size, col=Colmap[TmpX$continent], main = paste("Year", Years[k])) text(gapminder$gdpPercap[Idx[k]], gapminder$lifeExp[Idx[k]], "China", cex=1.2) } dummy = ``` --- # Animated Graphics: Hans Rosling Bubbles <img src="RosBubble.gif" width="500px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> <!-- --- --> <!-- class: center, middle --> <!-- # Annoucement: --> <!-- ## Homework 1 to be released on Thursday (Oct 4) --> --- class: center, middle # Thank you! Q&A or Email。 --- # HK Population Pyramid in Animation ```r library(magick) library(ggplot2) DataX = read.csv("HongKongPopulation2017.csv") tmp = levels(DataX$ DataX$Age = factor(DataX$, tmp[c(2,11,3:10,12:18,1)]) DataX1 = rbind(data.frame(DataX[,c("Year","Age")], Gender="Male", Population=DataX[,3]), data.frame(DataX[,c("Year","Age")], Gender="Female", Population=DataX[,4])) Years = unique(DataX1$Year) img <- image_graph(500, 500, res = 72) for (k in 1:length(Years)){ TmpX = DataX1[DataX1$Year==Years[k], ] idx = TmpX$Gender=="Male" TmpX$Population[idx] = -TmpX$Population[idx] ggplot(TmpX, aes(x = Age, y = Population, fill=Gender)) + geom_bar(stat="identity") + scale_y_continuous(labels = abs, limits = max(abs(DataX1$Population))*c(-1,1)) + coord_flip() + theme_bw() + scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set1") + ggtitle(paste("HK Population:", Years[k])) } dummy = img %>% image_trim() %>% image_animate(fps = 1) %>% image_write("temp.gif") ``` - Data source: HK population by age group and sex from [Census and Statistics Department](